
Tagged: JavaScript

Create a Mock API server in JavaScript

During the development lifecycle, we often encounter situations where we need to mock an external API server - either because it’s temporarily unavailable (we might be offline) or because it simply wasn’t built yet.

Here is how to get one running in no time.


We’ll start by creating a new folder to store the files required for our server:

mkdir ApiServer

… and change the current path to that folder:

cd ApiServer

JSON Server

We are going to use the json-server npm library. To install JSON Server, globally in your system, run:

npm install -g json-server@0.17.4

added 111 packages, removed 46 packages, and changed 7 packages in 2s

17 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

NB: There is currently a version 1.0.0-beta2 of json-server available, but it has some breaking changes and is less feature-rich than the 0.17.4 version.

Data file

Let’s now create a file that will contain the data to be served. Create a data.json file with the following content:

  "tasks": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Buy some milk"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Renew insurance"

Start server

Let’s now start the server:

json-server -p 8080 --watch data.json

  \{^_^}/ hi!

  Loading data.json



  Type s + enter at any time to create a snapshot of the database

Navigate to http://localhost:8080 to see an overview page, or to http://localhost:8080/tasks to retrieve the tasks.

Mock Server Running

json-server has a lot of other options that you might find useful:

json-server --help
json-server [options] 

  -c, --config                   Path to config file
                                                   [default: "json-server.json"]
  -p, --port                     Set port                        [default: 3000]
  -H, --host                     Set host                 [default: "localhost"]
  -w, --watch                    Watch file(s)                         [boolean]
  -r, --routes                   Path to routes file
  -m, --middlewares              Paths to middleware files               [array]
  -s, --static                   Set static files directory
      --read-only, --ro          Allow only GET requests               [boolean]
      --no-cors, --nc            Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing [boolean]
      --no-gzip, --ng            Disable GZIP Content-Encoding         [boolean]
  -S, --snapshots                Set snapshots directory          [default: "."]
  -d, --delay                    Add delay to responses (ms)
  -i, --id                       Set database id property (e.g. _id)
                                                                 [default: "id"]
      --foreignKeySuffix, --fks  Set foreign key suffix (e.g. _id as in post_id)
                                                                 [default: "Id"]
  -q, --quiet                    Suppress log messages from output     [boolean]
  -h, --help                     Show help                             [boolean]
  -v, --version                  Show version number                   [boolean]

  json-server db.json
  json-server file.js

That’s it. You can now consume the contents of data.json using simple local requests.

What next?

Happy coding!