Blogposts tagged with 'iOS'

10 Oct 2018

Using 3rd party frameworks in Xcode Playgrounds

How to use 3rd party libraries in Xcode Playground for faster prototyping - using Alamofire and SwiftyJSON in a Xcode Playground

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17 Mar 2018

Test or Go Fishing — how to write better Swift for iOS

Slides from my TechTalks Timisoara talk on Test Driven Development in Swift for iOS development - how to write better Swift for iOS

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12 Apr 2017

Resetting iOS Simulator for UI tests

How to reset the iOS Simulator to completely clear its slate between runs of UI tests, by using app launch arguments.

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05 Apr 2017

TDD-ing your Realm objects in Xcode Playgrounds

Learn how to test Realm object and truly embrace test driven development in Xcode Playgrounds - with Realm Mobile Database.

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30 Jan 2016

dotSwift 2016 - a review of a very instructive conference

One of the most instructive conferences I've been to — you should not miss it next year at dotSwift 2016 in Paris

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29 Jan 2016

My dotSwift 2016 talk “The Forgotten Cloud”

Revisits the core concepts behind CloudKit APIs, including CloudKit.js and the new business model introduced by Apple.

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02 Oct 2014

Curious Minds 2014 talk: Swift & iOS

Curious Minds aims at building a tech hub in Brasov, Romania, a community of developers who like to know everything and never stop wondering.

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07 Apr 2014

DevWeek 2014 talk: 'iOS developer overview'

A talk I gave at DevWeek 2014 (London, UK) on how to get head start on releasing iOS 7 apps, for developers who have never worked with iOS before.

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